#ImpeachTheFreak! - 3:10 PM 5/21/2019

#ImpeachTheFreak! - 3:10 PM 5/21/2019

RT #ImpeachTheFreak: @thehill Impeach The Freak! #ImpeachTheFreakTrump! #ImpeachTrumpNow 

#ImpeachTrump #Impeach! pic.twitter.com/sGNgbTBCJG 

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@thehill Impeach The Freak!
#Impeach pic.twitter.com/sGNgbTBCJG

Posted by  ImpeachTheFreak on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 10:36am
Retweeted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 10:43am

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#Congress, #Senate, #CIA, #FBI, #ODNI, #NSC, #USA: #Investigate: #TrumpKushnerCrimeFamily, #DeutscheBank, #BND - #Bundesnachrichtendienst, #NewAbwehr - #GermanIntelligence; it looks, smells, and feels like their job, with #Russians, #israelis, #Arabs, and others as their #Covers. pic.twitter.com/cwUQWQPzTH 

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#Congress, #Senate, #CIA, #FBI, #ODNI, #NSC, #USA:
#Investigate: #TrumpKushnerCrimeFamily, #DeutscheBank, #BND - #Bundesnachrichtendienst, #NewAbwehr - #GermanIntelligence; it looks, smells, and feels like their job, with #Russians, #israelis, #Arabs, and others as their #Covers. pic.twitter.com/cwUQWQPzTH

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 1:15pm

#DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND! #NewAbwehr: #ProbeTrumpGermanIntelligence! trumpandtrumpism.com/2019/05/21/105… pic.twitter.com/mNSPLAroND 

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#DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND!
#NewAbwehr: #ProbeTrumpGermanIntelligence!
trumpandtrumpism.com/2019/05/21/105… pic.twitter.com/mNSPLAroND

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 2:59pm
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Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 3:32pm

#InvestigateObama, #ObamaDOJ, #ObamaFBI, his course of turning #USA into #ThirdWorldCountry, #roles of #Foreign: #Chinese, #Iranian, AND ALSO #DRUGMoney in HIS #Campaigns. #Obama and #Trump are two sides of the #SameCoin #minted by #NewAbwehr. #FBI #TheJusticeDept #Investigate! pic.twitter.com/yD70wCiCzc 

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#InvestigateObama, #ObamaDOJ, #ObamaFBI,
his course of turning #USA into #ThirdWorldCountry, #roles of #Foreign: #Chinese, #Iranian, AND ALSO #DRUGMoney in HIS #Campaigns. #Obama and #Trump are two sides of the #SameCoin #minted by #NewAbwehr.
#FBI #TheJusticeDept #Investigate! pic.twitter.com/yD70wCiCzc

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 4:36pm

RT @bernaozlem: Woah...!!! This explains the cash #Obama gave to #Iran. Who knew that @JohnKerry's daughter was married to an Iranian who h… 

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Woah...!!! This explains the cash #Obama gave to #Iran. Who knew that @JohnKerry's daughter was married to an Iranian who has nuclear ties to the Iranian government. I guess the billions in cash was a wedding gift. Thank u for saving us from these traitors @realDonaldTrump #MAGA pic.twitter.com/HeZT0Mm38M

Posted by  bernaozlem on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 4:32pm
Retweeted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 4:39pm

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mikenov on Twitter: The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: #ErnstUhrlau AND THE The #NewAbwehr #Hypothesis of The #OperationTrump trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/03/ernst-… #InvestigateTheInvestigators #ImpeachTrump #InvestigateDeutscheBank #DeutscheBank #Putin #TrumpProbe pic.twitter.com/rMGwXrKGlm 

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The #TrumpInvestigations #Blog by #MichaelNovakhov - #Review Of #News And #Opinions: #ErnstUhrlau AND THE The #NewAbwehr #Hypothesis of The #OperationTrump
#InvestigateTheInvestigators #ImpeachTrump #InvestigateDeutscheBank #DeutscheBank #Putin #TrumpProbe pic.twitter.com/rMGwXrKGlm

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 10:32am

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mikenov on Twitter: RT @ImpeachTheFreak: @thehill Impeach The Freak! #ImpeachTheFreak #ImpeachTrumpNow #ImpeachTrump #Impeach pic.twitter.com/sGNgbTBCJG

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@thehill Impeach The Freak!
#Impeach pic.twitter.com/sGNgbTBCJG

Posted by  ImpeachTheFreak on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 10:36am
Retweeted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 10:43am

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Twitter search feed for: michael novakhov.: #DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, from early 20 #Century, a #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; just like any major bank in any country. #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND!pic.twitter.com/zQvmq9Dnq9

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 Twitter search feed for: michael novakhov.

mikenov on Twitter: #DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, from early 20 #Century, a #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; just like any major bank in any country. #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND! pic.twitter.com/zQvmq9Dnq9

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#DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, from early 20 #Century, a #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; just like any major bank in any country. #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND! pic.twitter.com/zQvmq9Dnq9

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 11:22am

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mikenov on Twitter: The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Ernst Uhrlau AND THE The New Abwehr Hypothesis of ... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/03/ernst-… 

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The Trump Investigations Blog by Michael Novakhov - Review Of News And Opinions: Ernst Uhrlau AND THE The New Abwehr Hypothesis of ... trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/03/ernst-…

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 12:31pm

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mikenov on Twitter: #Congress, #Senate, #CIA, #FBI, #ODNI, #NSC, #USA: #Investigate: #TrumpKushnerCrimeFamily, #DeutscheBank, #BND - #Bundesnachrichtendienst, #NewAbwehr - #GermanIntelligence; it looks, smells, and feels like their job, with #Russians, #israelis, #Arabs, and others as their #Covers. pic.twitter.com/cwUQWQPzTH 

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#Congress, #Senate, #CIA, #FBI, #ODNI, #NSC, #USA:
#Investigate: #TrumpKushnerCrimeFamily, #DeutscheBank, #BND - #Bundesnachrichtendienst, #NewAbwehr - #GermanIntelligence; it looks, smells, and feels like their job, with #Russians, #israelis, #Arabs, and others as their #Covers. pic.twitter.com/cwUQWQPzTH

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 1:15pm

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mikenov on Twitter: #DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND!... facebook.com/mike.nova3/pos…

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#DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND!... facebook.com/mike.nova3/pos…

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 3:14pm

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mikenov on Twitter: #Stupid, #Brainless, #Degenerate #FBI #Spies on #Everything & #Everyone & they do it in #way to get #red-handed #readily, out of #guilt. They think that these "#NoblePursuits" #justify their #miserable #Faggotty #Existence. #FireNincompoops! #PurgeFBI! #InvestigateInvestigators! pic.twitter.com/dE6BbSaHC1

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#Stupid, #Brainless, #Degenerate #FBI #Spies on #Everything & #Everyone & they do it in #way to get #red-handed #readily, out of #guilt. They think that these "#NoblePursuits" #justify their #miserable #Faggotty #Existence.
#FireNincompoops! #PurgeFBI! #InvestigateInvestigators! pic.twitter.com/dE6BbSaHC1

Posted by  mikenov on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 3:42pm

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Judge rules in favor of House Democrats over subpoena of Trump accounting firm - Washington Examiner

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Judge rules in favor of House Democrats over subpoena of Trump accounting firm  Washington Examiner
A federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled against blocking a congressional committee's subpoena of President Trump's ...
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The New German Anti-Semitism - The New York Times

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When Solomon first told his parents about the bullying, they resolved to turn it into a teaching moment. They arranged to have Wenzel’s father visit the school to share his story about escaping the Gestapo. But the bullying worsened, Gemma told me, and they felt the school did not do nearly enough to confront the problem. The Michalskis went public with their story in 2017, sharing it with media outlets in order to spark what they viewed as a much-needed discussion about anti-Semitism in German schools. Since then, dozens of cases of anti-Semitic bullying in schools have come to light, including one case last year at the German-American school where my own son attends first grade, in which, according to local news reports, students tormented a ninth grader, for months, chanting things like “Off to Auschwitz in a freight train.” Under criticism for its handling of the case, the administration released a statement saying it regretted the school’s initial response but was taking action and having “intensive talks” with the educational staff.
The principal of Solomon’s school, in an interview with the German newspaper Die Welt, also said his school had made a concerted effort to resolve the problem. When the reporter asked him if the bullying illustrated the “unreflective behavior of pubescent youths” or “rooted anti-Semitism,” the principal paused to say this was a “very dangerous” question but then answered: “It’s very possible that anti-Semitism is the motive. But we can’t look inside the heads of these students.” (When asked for comment, a representative for the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Families, which oversees Berlin’s public schools, said it had put into place anti-discrimination measures such as training courses and workshops for students and faculty.)
For the Michalskis, all this was evidence that German society never truly reckoned with anti-Semitism after the war. Germany had restored synagogues and built memorials to the victims of the Holocaust, Wenzel said: “So for a lot of mainstream, middle-class people, that means: ‘We’ve done it. We dealt with anti-Semitism.’ But nobody really dealt with it within the families. The big, the hard, the painful questions were never asked.” In Wenzel’s view, the Muslim students who tormented his child were acting in an environment that was already suffused with native anti-Semitism. “A lot of conservative politicians now say, ‘Oh, the Muslims are importing their anti-Semitism to our wonderful, anti-anti-Semitic culture,’ ” he said. “That’s bull. They’re trying to politicize this.”
Jewish life in Germany was never fully extinguished. After the Nazi genocide of six million Jews, some 20,000 Jewish displaced persons from Eastern Europe ended up settling permanently in West Germany, joining an unknown number of the roughly 15,000 surviving German Jews who still remained in the country after the war. The new German political class rejected, in speeches and in the law, the rabid anti-Semitism that had been foundational to Nazism — measures considered not only to be morally imperative but necessary to re-establish German legitimacy on the international stage. This change, however, did not necessarily reflect an immediate conversion in longstanding anti-Semitic attitudes on the ground. In the decades that followed, a desire among many Germans to deflect or repress guilt for the Holocaust led to a new form of antipathy toward Jews — a phenomenon that came to be known as “secondary anti-Semitism,” in which Germans resent Jews for reminding them of their guilt, reversing the victim and perpetrator roles. “It seems the Germans will never forgive us Auschwitz,” Hilde Walter, a German-Jewish journalist, was quoted as saying in 1968.
Holocaust commemoration in West Germany increasingly became an affair of the state and civic groups, giving rise to a prevailing erinnerungskultur, or “culture of remembrance,” that today is most prominently illustrated by the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, a funereal 4.7-acre site near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, inaugurated in 2005. But even as Germany’s remembrance culture has been held up as an international model of how to confront the horrors of the past, it has not been universally supported at home. According to a 2015 Anti-Defamation League survey, 51 percent of Germans believe that it is “probably true” that “Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust”; 30 percent agreed with the statement “People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave.”
The reactionary, far-right Alternative for Germany, or A.f.D., entered the German Parliament for the first time in 2017 — becoming the third-largest party — with an anti-immigration, anti-Islam platform, while politicians in the party also railed against Germany’s remembrance culture. A.f.D. politicians have often relativized Nazi crimes to counteract what some of them call a national “guilt cult.” In a speech last June, one of the party’s leaders, Alexander Gauland, referred to the Nazi period as “only a bird poop in over 1,000 years of successful German history.”
Now some 200,000 Jews live in Germany, a nation of 82 million people, and many are increasingly fearful. In a 2018 European Union survey of European Jews, 85 percent of respondents in Germany characterized anti-Semitism as a “very big” or “fairly big” problem; 89 percent said the problem has become worse in the last five years. Overall reported anti-Semitic crimes in Germany increased by nearly 20 percent last year to 1,799, while violent anti-Semitic crimes rose by about 86 percent, to 69. Police statistics attribute 89 percent of all anti-Semitic crimes to right-wing extremists, but Jewish community leaders dispute that statistic, and many German Jews perceive the nature of the threat to be far more varied. Slightly more than half of Germany’s Jewish respondents to the E.U. survey said they have directly experienced anti-Semitic harassment within the last five years, and of those, the plurality, 41 percent, perceived the perpetrator of the most serious incident to be “someone with a Muslim extremist view.”
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mikenov on Twitter: #ErnstUhrlau AND THE The #NewAbwehrHypothesis of The #OperationTrump… #TrumpInvestigations Image result for Ernst Uhrlau AND THE The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump images.app.goo.gl/CbUsSAEUECJSq4… 

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#ErnstUhrlau AND THE The #NewAbwehrHypothesis of The #OperationTrump…
Image result for Ernst Uhrlau AND THE The New Abwehr Hypothesis of The Operation Trump images.app.goo.gl/CbUsSAEUECJSq4…

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on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 11:00am
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mikenov on Twitter: #DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, from early 20 #Century, a #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; just like any major bank in any country. #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND! pic.twitter.com/zQvmq9Dnq9

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#DuetscheBank had #always been #historically, from early 20 #Century, a #Tool of #GermanIntelligence, #Abwehr; and #remains #so #now; just like any major bank in any country. #InvestigateDeutscheBank, #InvestigateErnstUhrlau, #InvestigateGerhardSchroerder, #Investigate #DBAndBND! pic.twitter.com/zQvmq9Dnq9

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on Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 11:22am
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