M.N. - In my Opinion: Herr Uhrlau might claim that he "cannot remember". He used this defense before, and it is foreseeable that he might use it again, and especially now; blaming his "feeble young age". We can treat this untimely and unlikely, although very convenient early amnesia with the usual medicine: good old waterboarding. Strip naked, Ole; twenty sessions would suffice for now. And then you will see the Truth and other "matters" emerging to the surface easily. Welt Kaiser Schroeder is next. Or should we start with him first?

11:19 AM 5/23/2019 - M.N. - In my Opinion: 
Herr Uhrlau might claim that he "cannot remember". He used this defense before, and it is foreseeable that he might use it again, and especially now; blaming his "feeble young age". We can treat this untimely and unlikely, although very convenient early amnesia with the usual medicine: good old waterboarding. Strip naked, Ole; twenty sessions would suffice for now. And then you will see the Truth and other "matters" emerging to the surface easily. Welt Kaiser Schroeder is next. Or should we start with him first? 

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Ernst Uhrlau - Google Search

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Ernst Uhrlau - Google Search

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Ernst Uhrlau - Google Search

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Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Schwäbisches Tagblatt

Eine neue Spur zu den Islamisten

Schwäbisches Tagblatt-Sep 18, 2018
Der damalige BND-Chef Ernst Uhrlau schreibt am 8. Dezember 2011 an den Präsidenten des Militärischen Abschirmdienstes und ans Bundeskanzleramt, einen ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from The Times of Israel

Germany negotiating prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel — report

The Times of Israel-Jul 4, 2018
A source told the newspaper that German negotiator, Ernst Uhrlau, had been involved in the deal to secure the release of Gilad Shalit. Uhrlau is the former ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Tagesspiegel

Der Dirigent der deutschen Dienste geht

Tagesspiegel-Mar 15, 2018
Beim BND beerbte der umgängliche Schindler den mit einem imposanten Selbstbewusstsein ausgestatteten Ernst Uhrlau. Mit der Personalie Schindler zog ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Der Mann hinter der Maske

FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-Mar 13, 2018
Im Fall des BND hat Ernst Uhrlau, Präsident von 2005 bis 2011, für den Forschungsauftrag gesorgt, um die Verstrickungen des Personals in den ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from n-tv.de NACHRICHTEN

Historiker: BND war weitgehend ahnungslos

n-tv.de NACHRICHTEN-Dec 10, 2017
Der Kalte Krieg war die Hochzeit der Spione in Ost und West - doch die Agenten der Bundesrepublik scheinen davon nicht viel mitbekommen zu haben.
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Arutz Sheva

What happened to Guy Hever?

Arutz Sheva-Aug 17, 2017
Her story has been backed up by former German Intelligence Chief Ernst Uhrlau and Dr Mordechai Kedar, an Arutz Sheva colunist and Middle East expert, who ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Deutsche Welle

Steinmeier's Guantanamo scandal returns to haunt him

Deutsche Welle-Nov 17, 2016
... Steinmeier also turned down requests to testify, as did Klaus-Dieter Fritsche, coordinator of Germany's intelligence services, and BND president Ernst Uhrlau.).
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Ex-BND-Chef Schindler wird Unternehmensberater

FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-Nov 9, 2016
Sein Vorgänger Ernst Uhrlau berät seit Jahren die Deutsche Bank. Anders als neuerdings für Politiker gelten für politische Beamte keine Abkühlphasen bei ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from tagesspiegel

Die Chronologie des Spionageskandals

tagesspiegel-May 4, 2015
Ob der damalige BND-Chef Ernst Uhrlau davon erfährt, ist bislang unklar. Schon 2005 waren BND-Mitarbeitern auffällige Suchbegriffe zu den Unternehmen ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Netzpolitik.org

Live-Blog aus dem Geheimdienst-Untersuchungsausschuss: BND gab ...

<a href="http://Netzpolitik.org" rel="nofollow">Netzpolitik.org</a>-Mar 5, 2015
Es wurde angedeutet, dass Urmann im Januar 2006 einen Brief an BND-Präsident Ernst Uhrlaugeschrieben hat, in dem er technische und rechtliche Risiken ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from OZY

Gerhard Schindler: Germany's Spymaster

OZY-Sep 2, 2014
His direct predecessor in office, Social Democrat Ernst Uhrlau, would have loved to transform the BND into a large think tank, an institute for clever strategic ...

Hier wohnte der BND-Chef Deutschlands geheimste Villa

BILD-Nov 12, 2012
August Hanning, Ernst Uhrlau und zuletzt Gerhard Schindler durften als Präsidenten des Bundesnachrichtendienstes (BND) hier ihre Gäste empfangen.
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Business Insider

Germany's Ex-Spy Chief Is Now Working For Deutsche Bank

Business Insider-Feb 6, 2012
Ernst Uhrlau, 65, who retired as head of Germany's foreign intelligence agency BND, has been employed as a freelance "global risk analyst" at the bank since ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from The Local.de

Former spy boss moves to Deutsche Bank

The Local.de-Feb 6, 2012
Ernst Uhrlau, former head of Germany's foreign intelligence agency the BND, has been on the payroll of Germany's biggest bank since the start of February, just ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Spiegel Online

Intelligence Agency Destroyed Files on Former SS Members

Spiegel Online-Nov 30, 2011
Preparations have already been made for Ernst Uhrlau's retirement party next ... In 2011, Uhrlau appointed an independent commission of historians to research ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Spiegel Online

West German Intelligence Protected Fugitive Nazi

Spiegel Online-Sep 27, 2011
The release is part of a new policy approach which BND President Ernst Uhrlau is pursuing in an effort to come to terms with the agency's past. The liaison ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from The Local.de

Post-war intelligence service recruited mass-murdering Nazi

The Local.de-Sep 25, 2011
The release of the papers documenting the shameful use of such a criminal by the BND has been driven by the service's head Ernst Uhrlau. The Local/hc ...
Story image for Ernst Uhrlau from Spiegel Online

The Nazi Criminals Who Became German Spooks

Spiegel Online-Feb 16, 2011
For this reason, it is all the more remarkable that the current BND head, Ernst Uhrlau, has been pushing for years to have more light cast on the early years of his ...

Report: Hamas wants Israeli-Arabs released as part of Shalit deal

Ynetnews-Aug 30, 2009
... on Sunday for meetings with the Egyptian Intelligence chief Omar Suleiman and his German counterpart Ernest Uhrlau the Saudi daily Al-Madina reported.

Germany's Failed Spy Mission in Kosovo

Spiegel Online-Dec 1, 2008
When the intelligence agency wanted to sound out the situation for Germany's armed forces, the Bundeswehr, BND President Ernst Uhrlau authorized an ...
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NSA Committee of Inquiry: Former BND Chief Uhrlau Can not Remember

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Unfortunately, ex-BND chief Uhrlau can not remember

Overseeing a secret service is not an easy job. However, it gets a little heavier if the intelligence agents always start to mumble or even shut up to explain what they are doing. For the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and the Federal Chancellery, this seems to have been the case for many years.
Ernst Uhrlau was invited on Thursday for the second time as a witness before the NSA committee of the Bundestag. Uhrlau was the department head of the Federal Chancellery responsible for intelligence services and later became chief of the BND. He should shed light on several important and hitherto unanswered questions. For example, what the Federal Chancellery, after all, the competent supervisory authority, said about the eavesdropping of the BND and the NSA at the US Internet node of the telecom.
The operation had the internal name Eikonal and is the core of the BND affair that has been discussed for two years. From 2003 to 2008, the BND at the Internet node Frankfurt, Germany, millions of phone calls and mails and shared his knowledge with the NSA . Among other things, the committee wants to determine, among other things, what and what the Federal Chancellery knew - and who bore the political responsibility for the illegal action.
Uhrlau responded to the many questions of the deputies verbatim. The process was not clearer. In particular, it is about the so-called carte blanche: The Telekom had reservations about the operation Eikonal. The company was afraid of violating laws and refused to let agents go. The telecom demanded that you guarantee her that everything went right. In 2003, Uhrlau wrote a letter in his capacity as head of department at the Federal Chancellery. But letter is exaggerated, there were only a few and very general lines: "The enlightenment approach planned by the Federal Intelligence Service in your company is from the point of view in accordance with applicable law."
Central question now: Was the letter approved by the head of the Chancellery, then Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD)? Had he read it? Did he even know about it?
Unfortunately, the witness could not answer this question. At the time, Uhrlau had signed the letter, not Steinmeier himself. Why? Uhrlau did not know that anymore. He also could not remember when and how he could have informed his superior, the politically responsible Chancellery minister, about the letter. He merely repeated the sentence he had already said in his first interrogation that Steinmeier had been "involved." How exactly? Uhrlau could not say it. "Would you have signed the license to Telekom without Steinmeier's knowledge?" Asked the head of the union, Nina Warken. "I think that's out of the question." Whether Steinmeier was informed before or after sending the charter? No memory. Was the letter his idea or Steinmeier's? "

Virtually no files received

Perhaps the memory of the 69-year-old Uhrlau is no longer the best. But perhaps the political controllers of the German foreign intelligence service have to put together much of what they are supposed to control. Although they are somehow informed, but apparently not exactly what happens next - that was at least the impression according to the testimony.
A detail on the side: The committee had received virtually no files that show how the charter was created. The committee chairman Patrick Sensburg complained at the meeting. One can not understand the genesis of the process. That's no coincidence. For the BND at that time had demanded from the Federal Chancellery to send all papers and files to the BND for charter. Again, the service told its master to relinquish all files about a very delicate process? And he did it? How should control be possible? Uhrlau, who served for a long time in both authorities, could not comment on that.
The problem of scrutiny was also evident in a second key issue in the Committee's investigation: the service is accused of having deceived the G10 Commission. This commission of the Bundestag may authorize secret operations if there is a danger that the communication of Germans overheard and then the Article 10 of the Constitution is limited. The BND allowed her to approve only a few keywords with which he wanted to search the internet for terrorists or weapons smugglers. But then he did not specifically search these terms on the net, but used them as a justification to store all the data he could find in Internet cables.

Led behind the spruce?

According to law, the BND is allowed to listen in on a maximum of 20 percent of telecommunications between Germany and abroad and search it according to terms approved by the Commission. Communication, which is only conducted between foreign countries and foreign countries, ie without German participation, he may completely listen to. The service calls this the "routine traffic". But he now invented a "virtual foreign country" to listen to international communication that runs at the hub in Frankfurt on German territory and thus technically comes from abroad to Germany. For the Telekom to play along, he just got the license from the Chancellery - and pro forma a G-10 permit.
Uhrlau should clarify whether the G-10 commission should be "behind the spruce", as the green chairman Konstantin von Notz always calls. Quotation Uhrlau: "The Commission approves search terms, which are the filters to use, if there are hits, fundamental rights holders to use this information too, all that is not through the filter is routine traffic and this routine traffic is used That has always been present to the Commission in the meetings. "
This means that the Commission could have put it all together that the BND, even on German soil, for the first time divulged everything. Clearly, the service apparently never has it to the controllers. It was "in principle known to the G-10 Commission," said Uhrlau. He did not want to see a lie or a trick in it. "Knowingly trying to deceive the G-10 Commission was not the intention." The question of whether the Chancellery had decided to use such a G-10 permit as a door opener for all data from the cable, could not answer Uhrlau: "I do not know."

No memory

Members of the G10 commission, on the other hand, had said in the commission of inquiry that they had been well deceived. They would never have approved if they knew that it was not about individual terms, but about entire power cord on German soil. It is also known from internal BND files that it was also clear to the BND that he actually needed a new law in order to be able to record the data, but that he saw no chance to bring such a law through the Bundestag .
Today, all parliamentary groups in the Bundestag agree that there is no legal basis for this scavenging of "routine traffic" that the BND should never have done so.
Who decided the door opener trick then, which elected representative took over the responsibility for it? Uhrlau could not help with the clarification. He has the question afterwards with an interesting passive construction: "The need to connect to the cable in Frankfurt has certainly been discussed with the head of the Federal Chancellery." When, how, exactly? No memory.
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Story image for gerhard schroeder from B92

Vucic: It would be easy to criticize Schroeder

B92-1 hour ago
Vucic and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder are currently ... and what led them to take that action against Serbia, Schroeder said it ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from IPS Journal

'The wall has not completely disappeared'

IPS Journal-May 15, 2019
On the day the Czech Republic joined the EU, you hoisted the EU flag with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Polish Prime Ministers ...
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Jobs are no longer a route out of poverty in the UK

Financial Times-4 hours ago
... into work and keep them there; and Gerhard Schroeder's Hartz reforms have led to the rise of precarious and low paid “minijobs” in Germany.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Leipziger Volkszeitung

Darum schlendert Gerhard Schröder durch Leipzig

Leipziger Volkszeitung-May 18, 2019
Da staunte mancher Passant nicht schlecht: Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder schlenderte am Wochenende durch die Leipziger Innenstadt.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from National Review

Worried about Russia? Then Keep an Eye on Germany's Former ...

National Review-Jul 11, 2018
... a lot more attention to former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder; ... Shortly after leaving office, Vladimir Putin arranged for Schroeder to ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from RT

'Blatant extortion': German ex-chancellor lashes out at US threat to ...

RT-Mar 13, 2019
... equipment is an example of why Berlin should seek more independence in its policies, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Sputnik International

Gerhard Schroeder criticizes US for exerting pressure on Germany ...

TASS-Dec 22, 2018
BERLIN, December 22. /TASS/. The United States pursues its own energy interests in Europe, which explains their pressure in regards to the ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty

Germany Calls On Kyiv To Remove 'Enemy Of The State' Website After ...

RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty-Nov 15, 2018
... a controversial website that lists what it calls "enemies of the state" after Berlin's former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder appeared on the list.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from NPR

Why Putin's Pal, Germany's Ex-Chancellor Schroeder, Isn't On A ...

NPR-Apr 18, 2018
Why Putin's Pal, Germany's Ex-Chancellor Schroeder, Isn't On A ... "Gerhard Schroeder is the most important lobbyist for Putin worldwide.".
Story image for gerhard schroeder from RT

'Germany can't accept being treated like an occupied country ...

RT-Nov 16, 2018
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder didn't mince his words about the incumbent US Ambassador to his country Richard Grenell, ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from BBC News

Gerhard Schroeder 'sued for affair' in South Korea

BBC News-Apr 30, 2018
A South Korean man is suing former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder for allegedly having an affair with his ex-wife, reports say.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from SPIEGEL ONLINE

Schröder-Ex bald Ex-Schröder?

Laut Doris Schröder-Köpf soll ihr Ex-Mann, Gerhard Schröder, sie aufgefordert haben, seinen Namen abzulegen. Der Altbundeskanzler ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Sputnik International

German Media Slams Ex-Chancellor Schroeder Over Nord Stream 2's ...

Sputnik International-Feb 10, 2019
Germany's Die Zeit newspaper has attacked Gehrard Schroeder, ... Gerhard Schroeder served as Germany's chancellor between 1998 and ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Sputnik International

Ex-German Chancellor Says Europe Needs Russia to Withstand US ...

Sputnik International-Feb 1, 2019
... order to withstand such superpowers as China and the United States, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder told the Spiegel outlet.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from BUNTE.de

Der Ex seiner Ehefrau klagt an: „Herr Schröder ist mit meiner ...

BUNTE.de-May 19, 2019
Der Schönheitschirurg war 21 Jahre mit Soyeon Schröder-Kim (51) der fünften Gattin von Altkanzler Gerhard Schröder (75) verheiratet.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Washington Post

He used to rule Germany. Now, he oversees Russian energy ...

Washington Post-Aug 8, 2017
For seven years, Gerhard Schröder was the leader of the most populous democracy in Western Europe. He modernized the country's social ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Financial Times

Gerhard Schröder appointed chairman of Rosneft

Financial Times-Sep 29, 2017
Former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder has been appointed chairman of Russian state-controlled oil producer Rosneft, deepening his ...
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Berlin demands that Kiev act after Ukrainian nationalists put ex ...

RT-Nov 15, 2018
... the alleged enemies of Ukraine –some of whom ended up dead– after the group placed former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on its 'hit-list'.
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Sputnik International

Ex-German Chancellor Schroeder Paints Grim Future for Merkel

Sputnik International-Nov 6, 2018
Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has reflected on the dramatic loss of power by his successor Angela Merkel in the wake of her ...
Story image for gerhard schroeder from Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten

75. Geburtstag: Hannover würdigt Gerhard Schröder

Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten-Apr 24, 2019
Für seinen Ehrenbürger Gerhard Schröder hat Hannover eine Feierstunde veranstaltet. Dabei wollten sich zahlreiche prominente Gäste die ...
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Gerhard Schröder: ex-German Chancellor Named Chairman of Rosneft

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Panel, Justice strike deal on Mueller report - Google Search

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Justice, House intelligence panel strike a deal for Mueller materials - U.S. - Stripes

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Justice, House intelligence panel strike a deal for Mueller materials

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., at a Capitol Hill ceremony in January, 2019.

Panel, Justice strike deal on Mueller report - News - The Columbus Dispatch

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WASHINGTON — At least for now, the House Intelligence Committee will not enforce a subpoena against Attorney General William Barr, after the Justice Department agreed at the 11th hour to produce the redacted material and underlying information from special counsel Robert Mueller’s report that the panel sought — albeit more slowly than it wanted.
Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the committee’s chairman, announced the deal in a statement Wednesday morning. He warned that the subpoena “will remain in effect and will be enforced should the Department fail to comply with the full document request.”
Schiff added that he expects the “initial production” of providing the committee with 12 categories of counterintelligence and foreign intelligence material from Mueller’s probe of election interference by Russia will “be completed by the end of next week.”
The deal is a rare instance of detente between House Democrats and Justice Department leaders, who remain bitterly at odds over the administration’s resistance to congressional requests for documents and witnesses. But just hours after the agreement was announced, President Donald Trump declared that he would not work with congressional Democrats on any legislative ventures so long as investigations of his campaign, finances and foreign ties continue.
It was not clear if the president’s declaration jeopardizes the deal the House Intelligence Committee struck with the Justice Department.
In a letter Tuesday to Schiff, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote that “the Department is willing to move forward with efforts to accommodate the Committee’s legitimate interests” to view the items it requested.” But Boyd argued that the Justice Department would need more time to produce them, and he made the counteroffer contingent on the committee’s promise “that it will not pursue any vote on an ‘enforcement action,’ either on May 22, or while such good-faith accommodation measures continue.”
“To be clear should the Committee take the precipitous and unnecessary action of recommending a contempt finding or other enforcement action against the attorney general, then the Department will not likely be able to continue to work with the Committee to accommodate its interest in these materials,” Boyd wrote.
Holding off on the subpoena puts Schiff’s committee somewhat at odds with the rest of the House Democratic conference, where members have been agitating for impeachment proceedings against the president as other panels’ efforts to secure materials and witnesses are met with recalcitrance from the administration.
Schiff’s decision to accept the Justice Department’s efforts to accommodate his requests provides House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with a potential off-ramp to avoid calls for impeachment, at least in the near future.
Both the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees have been making the case to Barr that they should be able to view the full contents of Mueller’s report, plus certain underlying materials. Barr has argued that it would be illegal for him to deliver the full redacted materials to the Judiciary Committee as requested, because it would require releasing grand jury information that cannot be disclosed without a court order. He has rejected House Democrats’ entreaties to join them in making an appeal to a judge to release those materials.
But Schiff made his case for seeing the same materials on the grounds that the Mueller report deals with counterintelligence matters — and the Intelligence Committee has a legal right to view materials pertaining to counterintelligence, whether they originated with a grand jury or not. Rep. Devin Nunes, Calif., the committee’s top Republican, had joined Schiff in letters to Barr making the case for such access, although he did not sign on to the eventual subpoena that Schiff issued earlier this month.
“The Department has repeatedly acknowledged the Committee’s legitimate oversight interest in these materials,” Schiff said in a statement Wednesday. “I look forward to, and expect, continued compliance by the Department so we can do our vital oversight work.”
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Panel, Justice strike deal on Mueller report - The Columbus Dispatch

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Panel, Justice strike deal on Mueller report  The Columbus Dispatch
WASHINGTON — At least for now, the House Intelligence Committee will not enforce a subpoena against Attorney General William Barr, after the Justice ...

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  1. Jared Kushner's Lack of Historical Knowledge Makes Him Vulnerable, Rex Tillerson Tells House Panel: Report  Newsweek
  2. Tillerson Reportedly Vented About Jared Kushner in Meeting With House Foreign Affairs Committee  Mediaite
  3. Former secretary of state: Jared Kushner is a menace to our foreign policy  Shareblue Media
  4. Tillerson told lawmakers Putin was more prepared than Trump in Germany meeting  CNN
  5. Putin out-prepared Trump in key meeting, Rex Tillerson told House panel  The Washington Post
  6. View full coverage on Google News

#GerhardSchroeder #controls #Gazprom and #Rosneft and therefore he, and the #GermanSocialDemocracy, led and equipped by the #NewAbwehr, #control #Russia herself, and not as #Trump claimed, that “#RussiacontrolsGermany” trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/gerhar… … #FBI #CIA #ODNI #Trump #Putin #NSC pic.twitter.com/0hFb6AvEaE

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#GerhardSchroeder #controls #Gazprom and #Rosneft and therefore he, and the #GermanSocialDemocracy, led and equipped by the #NewAbwehr, #control #Russia herself, and not as #Trump claimed, that “#RussiacontrolsGermany” trumpinvestigations.blogspot.com/2019/05/gerhar… …
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #Trump #Putin #NSC pic.twitter.com/0hFb6AvEaE

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 11:03am

Former chief justice: Netanyahu seeking to 'destroy' courts to avoid prosecution

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Former Supreme Court president Dorit Beinisch on Thursday lashed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's apparent plan to clip the High Court of ...
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The #NewHolyAlliance: #Russia & #EuropeanRight: Is #TrumpistAmerica the next "#HolyAlliance" #Member? Are These The "#PhantomPains" of #Putin's #ImperialNostalgia or his #GrandioseRoyalDelusions? trumpandtrumpism.com/2019/05/23/m-n… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #StrategicAnalysis #PutinRightistParties #CI pic.twitter.com/jcQnanuexu 

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Michael_Novakhov shared this story from  mikenov on Twitter.

The #NewHolyAlliance: #Russia & #EuropeanRight: Is #TrumpistAmerica the next "#HolyAlliance" #Member? Are These The "#PhantomPains" of #Putin's #ImperialNostalgia or his #GrandioseRoyalDelusions? trumpandtrumpism.com/2019/05/23/m-n…
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #StrategicAnalysis #PutinRightistParties #CI pic.twitter.com/jcQnanuexu

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 7:14am
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#Judge says #DeutscheBank must give #Congress #Trump’s #financialrecords scmp.com/news/world/uni… #FBI #CIA #ODNI #USA #US #UN #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #InvestigateTheInvestigators! #ImpeachTrump #TrumpRussia #TrumpNewAbwehr #TrumpBrand #InvestigateFBI #Senate #Impeachment pic.twitter.com/fERAEo3Twt 

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#Judge says #DeutscheBank must give #Congress #Trump’s #financialrecords
#FBI #CIA #ODNI #USA #US #UN #TrumpInvestigations #TrumpProbe #InvestigateTheInvestigators! #ImpeachTrump #TrumpRussia #TrumpNewAbwehr #TrumpBrand #InvestigateFBI #Senate #Impeachment pic.twitter.com/fERAEo3Twt

Posted by  mikenov on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 11:25am
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PA Minister: Maybe we should prosecute Trump - The Jerusalem Post

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PA Minister: Maybe we should prosecute Trump  The Jerusalem Post
Palestinian Culture Minister Atef Abu Saif called on President Donald Trump and several prominent American politicians to be prosecuted for their crimes ...

Rex Tillerson, a man who is “dumb as a rock” and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State, made up a story (he got fired) that I was out-prepared by Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. I don’t think Putin would agree. Look how the U.S. is doing! 

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Rex Tillerson, a man who is “dumb as a rock” and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State, made up a story (he got fired) that I was out-prepared by Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. I don’t think Putin would agree. Look how the U.S. is doing!

Posted by  realDonaldTrump on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 12:29pm

8693 likes, 2198 retweets

In a letter to her House colleagues, Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump had a temper tantrum for us all to see.” This is not true. I was purposely very polite and calm, much as I was minutes later with the press in the Rose Garden. Can be easily proven. It is all such a lie! 

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In a letter to her House colleagues, Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump had a temper tantrum for us all to see.” This is not true. I was purposely very polite and calm, much as I was minutes later with the press in the Rose Garden. Can be easily proven. It is all such a lie!

Posted by  realDonaldTrump on Thursday, May 23rd, 2019 2:28am

35203 likes, 9124 retweets

Trump family joining president, first lady on UK state visit with the queen - ABC News

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Trump family joining president, first lady on UK state visit with the queen  ABC News
Next month the Royal family will meet the Trump family. Interested in Royal Family? Add Royal Family as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Royal Family ...


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