The major political events after WW2 and the New Abwehr operations - 5:35 AM 1/29/2019

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1:10 PM 1/28/2019 - Major political events after WW2 and the New Abwehr Operations - Google Search
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 12:24:07 -0500
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Investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders. The second Independent Counsel is absolutely needed. - M.N. - Google Search
October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver quoted by mike nova - Google Search
October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver quoted by mike nova - Google Search
October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver quoted by mike nova - Google Search
October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver - Google Search
October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver - Google Search
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October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver - Google Search
October 28 Letter by Comey to Congress - Google Search
Investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders. The second Independent Counsel is absolutely needed. - M.N. - Google Search
8:02 AM 1/23/2019 - M.N.: What was the cause of this FBI's unprecedented historical blindness?! Mueller discovered tons of evidence, even if largely circumstantial, at this point. The second Independent Counsel to investigate the FBI itself for this and o
Newt Gingrich: Democrats and Never Trumpers will put Trump back in the White House in 2020 -- Here's why
4:20 PM 1/28/2019 - Assange and German Intelligence
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The Story of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks - The New York Times
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Operation Laundromat Trump - Google Search
Operation Laundromat Trump - Google Search
Operation Laundromat Trump - Google Search
2:27 PM 1/28/2019 - Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end - MarketWatch | US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits - ABC News | M.N.: It is all relative. Control is still his (na to on i Deri-Paska), but
US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits
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Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search
Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search
Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search
Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search
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Christopher Burnham - Wikipedia
Schultz stinks at politics, Seattle pundit warns | Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end
The FBI, COINTELPRO, And Martin Luther King, Jr.: Final Report Of The Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities - Kindle edition by Church Committee. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
1:10 PM 1/28/2019 - Major political events after WW2 and the New Abwehr Operations - Google Search

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
Investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders. The second Independent Counsel is absolutely needed. - M.N. - Google Search
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:53:33 -0500
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Image result for Investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders. The second Independent Counsel is absolutely needed. - M.N.
October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver quoted by mike nova - Google Search
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:30:13 -0500
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October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver quoted by mike nova - Google Search
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:29:29 -0500
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Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:28:54 -0500
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October 28 Letter statistical effect nate silver - Google Search
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:26:53 -0500
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Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:26:35 -0500
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Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:26:14 -0500
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Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:25:38 -0500
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Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:25:07 -0500
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October 28 Letter by Comey to Congress - Google Search
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:23:38 -0500
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Investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders. The second Independent Counsel is absolutely needed. - M.N. - Google Search
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:11:52 -0500
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Image result for Investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders. The second Independent Counsel is absolutely needed. - M.N.
8:02 AM 1/23/2019 - M.N.: What was the cause of this FBI's unprecedented historical blindness?! Mueller discovered tons of evidence, even if largely circumstantial, at this point. The second Independent Counsel to investigate the FBI itself for this and o
Tue, 29 Jan 2019 03:05:10 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.

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Ongoing reminder: a story whose back story the NYT might usefully explore, for its benefit and ours.
Ran one week before election.

M.N.: What was the cause of this FBI's unprecedented historical blindness?! Mueller discovered tons of evidence, even if largely circumstantial, at this point. The second  Independent Counsel to investigate the FBI itself for this and other blunders, which apparently are too many, is absolutely needed, if we want to learn the truth. 

How did we get to a place where the FBI wondered if an American president was a Russian asset? - Bangor Daily News

Mon, 28 Jan 2019 15:51:59 -0500
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As you listen to the liberal media, the Never Trumpers and the left-wing Trump haters chatter on about President Trump’s current situation, remember these two numbers — 35 and 49.
The first number was President Ronald Reagan’s approval in January 1983.
The second number was the number of states Reagan carried 22 months later.
I am not predicting President Trump will carry 49 states. This is a different environment, and the tribalism that divides the country is deeper than it was 36 years ago.
However, in contrast to the enthusiastic doomsayers on television, I am willing to predict President Trump will recover. Also, he is much more likely to be re-elected than any of his opponents at The New York Times, The Washington Post, or the liberal networks currently believe.
President Trump’s resilience, despite two straight years of the most negative media coverage of any president since Lincoln (at least 90 percent negative according to studies by the Media Research Center that analyzed nightly broadcasts) is a sign that he has a devoted base that will stick with him. The most recent unemployment applications are the lowest since November 1969 (when there were a lot fewer Americans at work). There are powerful initiatives underway to continue to increase American jobs and economic growth.
The left will do for Trump what it did for President Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and what it is currently doing for Prime Minister Theresa May (who is surviving because the alternative is so terrible). A few more proposals for 70 percent tax rates, sanctuary states, tax paid health care for everyone including illegal immigrants, open borders, anti-Semitism, and anti-Israeli hostility, and the Democrats will begin driving away everyone but the hard left.  California Governor Gavin Newsom’s wildly left-wing ideas are going to be a striking contrast to President Trump’s comparatively mainstream views (Newsom was mayor of San Francisco and is carrying its leftist ideology to the entire state). New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may set a new standard for willful ignorance by a non-Hollywood personality. There is a point where smiling while saying things that are factually false simply doesn’t sustain a national movement.
The energy in the Democratic Party is entirely on the left, and as Hillary Clinton discovered, the nominating process is going to drive the Democratic candidates to get as nutty as necessary to please the new generation of radical bigots.
The media’s new enthusiasm for third-party billionaires (Starbucks anyone?) is a big help to Trump’s re-election.  Any third-party candidate will divide the anti-Trump vote and have no effect on the pro-Trump vote. The White House should encourage every would-be third-party leader. The more the merrier from the Trump perspective.
The Never Trump Republicans will get a lot of media and will be socially celebrated by the Washington, New York, and Hollywood crowds. They will do Sunday shows, be invited to speak at establishment events, and have paid staff egging them on (so they can continue to get paid). The Never Trump candidates will also be crushed by President Trump in Republican primaries.
Trump, like Reagan, learns and thinks a lot more than his detractors acknowledge.
The 15 percent who will have been repelled by the left’s craziness and turned off by President Trump’s style will enter the summer of 2020 wishing they had a better choice. In the end, they will have to gamble on the least dangerous and least bad future.
He is accomplishing far more around the world than anyone thought possible (note the head of NATO just said Trump had gotten the alliance to add $100 billion toward defense and commended Trump’s tactics to contain Russia). The Chinese are losing the trade fight, and they know it. NAFTA has been renegotiated. Kim Jong Un has marginally changed his behavior in the right direction. Trump has a remarkable number of personal relations with heads of government and communicates with them by telephone as often as any president in history.
Mueller and the anti-Trump Deep State will continue to be annoying, and their news media manipulation will keep the left enthralled. Need to lock an American up in isolation for 23 hours a day while awaiting trial? That is what Mueller has done to Paul Manafort. Need to ensure TV coverage of a fully armed dawn FBI raid? Just invite CNN along as Mueller did last week at Roger Stone’s house. Mueller will continue to use armed force in the middle of the night against non-violent Americans who have indicated they would cooperate.
And yet, as Andy McCarthy wrote after the Stone indictments, none of this proves anything about Trump and Russia, which was the original story.
In fact, President Trump has been much tougher on Russia than President Obama ever dreamed of being. From sanctions to the military buildup of NATO, to rebuilding missile defenses and forward positioning in the Balkans, to offensive weapons for Ukraine, the president has been tougher, not softer. Yet, the left’s innuendos and attacks continue to paint Trump, as The New York Times hysterically put it, as a potential Russian agent.
The Mueller investigation will eventually be put in perspective and will lead to serious reforms to limit the threat of an out-of-control deep state in the Justice Department.
The American people will gradually realize that this whole effort has been a political hoax to smear the president, which has weakened the country and undermined the rule of law.
The hard left will go into the summer of 2020 chanting hatred and believing everything bad about Trump. They will represent about 40 percent of the country. The hardcore Trump supporters will go into the summer of 2020 amazed at how much their leader has achieved despite unending news media, Democratic hostility, and splits in the GOP. They will make up 45 percent of the country.
The 15 percent who will have been repelled by the left’s craziness and turned off by President Trump’s style will enter the summer of 2020 wishing they had a better choice. In the end, they will have to gamble on the least dangerous and least bad future. When that happened in 2016, they broke overwhelmingly for Trump over Clinton, and the late deciders made him president.
There will be three big things helping Trump in 2020:
1.    The Trump administration’s accomplishments will be real (a future column will outline the wave of breakthroughs in our lives that will start being felt in the next 18 months).
2.    The hysteria and dishonesty of the investigations and their irrelevancy in terms of Trump as president will be obvious, and only the left will pay them any attention.
3.    Breakthroughs like criminal justice reform, a cure for sickle cell disease, better education through parental choice, the best African American employment rate in history, and the like will lead to Republican breakthroughs with minorities (as happened surprisingly in both Florida and Georgia against Democratic African American candidates for governor – in both states the margin of victory was African Americans voting Republican).
Over the next few weeks, as you listen to the anti-Trumpers relish the winter of discontent and pronounce the end of the Trump presidency, just remember — they were wrong in 2015 when they said he couldn’t be a serious candidate; they were wrong in the spring of 2016 when they said he couldn’t win the GOP nomination; they were wrong in 2018 when they said he should withdraw Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
Why should you believe them now?
4:20 PM 1/28/2019 - Assange and German Intelligence
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 15:25:02 -0500
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The Story of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks - The New York Times
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Mon, 28 Jan 2019 15:13:23 -0500
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US ramping up probe against Julian AssangeWikiLeaks says

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>-Jan 23, 2019
U.S. ramping up probe against Julian AssangeWikiLeaks says ... months formally approached people in the United States, Germany and Iceland and ... in London, an assertion that former intelligence officials say is plausible.
Story image for assange and german intelligence from USA TODAY

Roger Stone indictment: Transparency group WikiLeaks at center of ...

USA TODAY-Jan 25, 2019
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was described in one cable as ... relate to testimony he gave to the House Intelligence Committee in 2017 in ...
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Please don't repeat these things WikiLeaks says you can't say about ...

Ars Technica-Jan 7, 2019
WikiLeaks and Julian Assange have published the largest, most ... This climate of falsehood reached a new nadir with a front page, intelligence-linked .... by Spain in Germany, along with U.S. debt pressure on Ecuador.
The Story of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks - The New York Times
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 14:45:53 -0500
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The special counsel’s indictment of Roger J. Stone Jr. contains details as over the top as Mr. Stone himself, revealing, for instance, that he encouraged an associate to use a tactic straight from “The Godfather.” But the indictment — which shows the most direct link yet between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks — is wholly serious.
On today’s episode:
  • Mark Mazzetti, a Washington investigative correspondent for The New York Times.
Background reading:
By The New York Times
Tune in, and tell us what you think. Email us at Follow Michael Barbaro on Twitter: @mikiebarb. And if you’re interested in advertising with “The Daily,” write to us at
Mark Mazzetti contributed reporting.
“The Story of Roger Stone and WikiLeaks” was produced by Theo Balcomb, Paige Cowett, Jonathan Wolfe and Alexandra Leigh Young, with help from Jessica Cheung and Michael Simon Johnson, and edited by Lisa Tobin.
“The Daily” is produced by Theo Balcomb, Annie Brown, Jessica Cheung, Lynsea Garrison, Michael Simon Johnson, Andy Mills, Neena Pathak, Rachel Quester, Ike Sriskandarajah, Clare Toeniskoetter, Jonathan Wolfe and Alexandra Leigh Young, and edited by Larissa Anderson, Paige Cowett and Wendy Dorr. Lisa Tobin is our executive producer. Samantha Henig is our editorial director. Brad Fisher is our technical manager. Chris Wood is our sound engineer. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.
9/11 Investigation - Google Search
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 14:20:42 -0500
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That counterintelligence investigation could extend to the ... One of the most important insights from the 9/11 Commission work was the value of ...
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The Report review – gripping, fiery drama on CIA torture investigation

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What makes this so remarkable is that the film, an exhaustive retelling of the investigation into CIA's post-9/11 “enhanced interrogation” ...
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Forbes-Jan 2, 2019
'Dark Overlord' Hacker Demands Bitcoin In Alleged 9/11 Insurance ... with the FBI and was cooperating with the agency on its investigation.
Operation Laundromat Trump - Google Search
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 14:18:35 -0500
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Mon, 28 Jan 2019 14:17:17 -0500
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2:27 PM 1/28/2019 - Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end - MarketWatch | US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits - ABC News | M.N.: It is all relative. Control is still his (na to on i Deri-Paska), but
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:55:18 -0500
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.

Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search

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The key condition of lifting sanctions on Rusal and Deripaska's other companies is that the companies "reduced Oleg Deripaska's direct and indirect shareholding stake in these companies and severed his control," the Treasury said.
M.N.: Then why our little Deri-Paska looks so happy?! Because he has a little help from his friends! 
Deripaska remains a significant minority shareholder — his En+ group says he holds "no more than 44.95 percent" — and other shares are held by smaller shareholders and independent trustees under an agreement with the Treasury.
There's no other shareholder of the same size and a number of the other shareholders would probably agree with him on many strategic issues," Adshead said. "Therefore it will almost certainly be run in the way he wants it to be run, but the point is that he no longer has as much freedom or control as he wanted."
M.N.: It is all relative. Control is still his (na to on i Deri-Paska), but his control will be controlled by the Trump controlled banker, Mr. Burnham. It looks like the Operation Laundromat Trump is quite alive and kicking, it continues, and on a much grander, Global scale, on the highest state level, so to speak. Wasn't it the Design?


» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "putin won US 2016 election" - Google News: US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits - ABC News
28/01/19 11:41 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits    ABC News The U.S. Treasury has lifted sanctions on three Russian companies connected to Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, reversing a move which wreaked havoc on ...

» 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (198 sites): "trump russian money" - Google News: Schultz stinks at politics, Seattle pundit warns | Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end - MarketWatch
28/01/19 09:53 from Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (32 sites)
Schultz stinks at politics, Seattle pundit warns | Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end    MarketWatch Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks CEO who is now the coffee chain's chairman emeritus, “...

US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits

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US action on Russian tycoon showed sanctions' power, limits
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:31:57 -0500
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The U.S. Treasury has lifted sanctions on three Russian companies connected to Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, reversing a move which wreaked havoc on global aluminum markets last year.
To the Treasury and supporters of the move, it was an example of sanctions working as they should by changing a target's behavior in nine months under suffocating restrictions on trade. Due to the sanctions, Deripaska, a tycoon who has been close to the Kremlin, agreed to reduce his shareholdings to below 50 percent.
Congressional Democrats and some Republicans, however, worry that Deripaska could retain significant influence, even as he himself stays under sanctions.
Here is a look at Deripaska, his companies, and possible consequences of the Treasury ruling.
With his cropped hair and scruffy beard, Deripaska was a familiar face to Russians long before he was dragged into in the U.S. furore over the 2016 election.
Amid the economic chaos that followed the Soviet Union's collapse, the trained physicist became a major player on the Russian metals market even before his 30th birthday. Even among Russian billionaire businessman, Deripaska's also notable for his closeness to Russian President Vladimir Putin. A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable from 2006 described him as "among the 2-3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis."
As special counsel Robert Mueller investigates alleged collusion between President Donald Trump's 2016 electoral campaign and Russian interests, Deripaska's links to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort have come under scrutiny. Manafort, who was convicted last year in the United States of tax and bank fraud, was a former business partner of Deripaska.
The Belarusian model and self-described sex coach Anastasia Vashukevich — known by her pseudonym Nastya Rybka — said last year that she had obtained details of Deripaska's alleged role in U.S. election meddling while spending time on his yacht. Vashukevich was arrested in Thailand last February and deported this month. She is now in Russia.
Vashukevich earlier indicated she would turn over the recordings she claimed to have if the U.S. could help secure her release, but she later withdrew the offer, suggesting that she and Deripaska had reached an agreement. Deripaska won a Russian defamation suit against Vashukevich and another man last year.
The U.S. decision in April 2018 to sanction Rusal — the massive aluminum producer then controlled by Deripaska — had a big impact. Shares in the company plunged over 50 percent, and supply chains around the world were disrupted.
That exposed both the power and the limits of U.S. policy toward Russia, says Tom Adshead of Moscow-based consultancy Macro-Advisory.
Previous sanctions had been written to minimize damage to other sectors of the economy, and in particular Western businesses buying Russian commodities. That changed with Deripaska.
By barring almost any commercial relationship with one of the world's largest producers of a metal key to international supply chains, U.S. policymakers ensured this time the economic pain would be felt not only in Russia.
"There was collateral damage that wasn't desirable," Adshead said. Besides an immediate jump in aluminum prices, that included economic uncertainty for Rusal's employees outside Russia in countries like Sweden and Ireland.
The Rusal experience could mean the U.S. is more cautious about sanctioning major market players in future, Adshead predicted.
After the sanctions were removed from Rusal on Monday, shares in the company rose to their highest since April, though they remained at only around two-thirds of their value prior to the sanctions.
The price of aluminum largely held steady as other companies have stepped into the void left by Rusal and increased supply, analysts say.
The main winners have been state-owned metal producers in China — just the ones the Trump administration has sought to stymie by imposing tariffs on Chinese aluminum.
The key condition of lifting sanctions on Rusal and Deripaska's other companies is that the companies "reduced Oleg Deripaska's direct and indirect shareholding stake in these companies and severed his control," the Treasury said.
Whether that will actually prove to be the case was a key bone of contention in Congress, which voted this month to try to block the administration's efforts to remove the sanctions. In the House, 136 Republicans joined Democrats to disapprove the deal while in the Senate 11 Republicans supported the move but fell short of the 60 votes needed.
Deripaska remains a significant minority shareholder — his En+ group says he holds "no more than 44.95 percent" — and other shares are held by smaller shareholders and independent trustees under an agreement with the Treasury.
There's no other shareholder of the same size and a number of the other shareholders would probably agree with him on many strategic issues," Adshead said. "Therefore it will almost certainly be run in the way he wants it to be run, but the point is that he no longer has as much freedom or control as he wanted."
Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:16:02 -0500
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Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker - Google Search
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:15:25 -0500
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Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:14:38 -0500
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Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:14:11 -0500
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Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:13:46 -0500
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Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:13:28 -0500
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Christopher Burnham - Wikipedia
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:12:39 -0500
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Christopher Bancroft Burnham is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Global Capital, LLC,[1] headquartered in Washington, D.C. He co-founded Cambridge after a career in government, diplomacy, banking, and private equity. He has served as Under Secretary General for Management of the United Nations, Under Secretary of State for Management (acting), Assistant Secretary of State for Resource Management and Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of State, Treasurer of the State of Connecticut, three-term Member of the Connecticut House of Representatives, vice chairman of Deutsche Bank Asset Management and global co-head of private equity,[2] and CEO of PIMCO’s largest equity arm, Columbus Circle Investors. He is also the Chairman of Cambridge Global Advisors (CGA), a strategic advisory services and consulting firm based in Washington, DC.[3]
Burnham led reforms of the Connecticut Treasury, modernization of the financial and reporting systems of the U.S. State Department, and instituted sweeping governance reforms as chief management officer of the United Nations. This included the establishment of the first UN Ethics Office, the first United Nations Independent Audit Advisory Committee, the adoption of new International Public Sector Accounting Standards, the first comprehensive consolidated annual report in the history of the United Nations, and a new whistleblower protection policy that received independent recognition as the “gold standard.”[4] He also implemented financial disclosure reporting by senior United Nations officials and staff, based on the U.S. Government model.
Burnham joined the United Nations[5] after serving as acting Under Secretary of State for Management for Secretary Condoleezza Rice, and as Assistant Secretary of State for resource management and Chief Financial Officer of the State Department for General Colin Powell. Mr. Burnham joined the Department of State in September 2001, and has been confirmed twice by the United States Senate.
From 2006 to December 2012, Burnham was the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of Deutsche Asset Management, and a member of the Global Operating Committee. In 2008, Burnham co-founded and led Deutsche Bank’s direct private equity group, RREEF Capital Partners, the bank’s reentry into private equity after an eight-year absence. He also chaired Deutsche Bank’s governance committee in Germany, and is a globally recognized expert in the implementation of accountability, transparency, and best practice in government, corporations, and inter-governmental organizations.
Burnham is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps Reserve and retired at the rank of Lieutenant Colone. He volunteered for active duty in 1990 and served as an infantry platoon commander in the Gulf War. He and his men were part of the lead Allied forces to reach and liberate Kuwait City.
He is currently co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Cambridge Global Capital, a venture capital investment firm focused on opportunities in life sciences, cyber and data security, and data analytics.
Most recently, he also served as a member of Donald Trump's Presidential Transition Team at the U.S. Department of State.[6] He was officially named as new member of the directors board of EN Plus Group Plc (En+ Group), a Russian holding firm - it's majority is being owned by Russian oligarchOleg Deripaska - on same day (Sunday, 27th Jan 2019) after the Trump administration (via “OFAC” - Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury) has lifted it's US sanctions against Deripaska's businesses.[7][8][9]
Schultz stinks at politics, Seattle pundit warns | Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:08:07 -0500
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Schultz 2020 seen as ‘a lamb to the slaughter’: Howard Schultz, the former Starbucks SBUX,-1.01%  CEO who is now the coffee chain’s chairman emeritus, “has many strengths, but Seattle can testify that politics isn’t one of them,” says Danny Westneat, a Seattle Times columnist.
Schultz “is notorious in these parts for selling away Seattle’s NBA basketball team to some ‘proud Okies.’ Who, as everyone foresaw except Schultz himself, then hustled the whole kaboodle off to the Great Plains,” adds Westneat. “Do we really want a president who can be rolled so easily?”
Other reactions to the Schultz 2020 buzz are also negative, and they come after the entrepreneur said Sunday that he’s seriously considering running for president as a “centrist independent.” Many Democratic leaders are warning him that he could draw support from the eventual Democratic nominee and hand President Donald Trump another four years in office, while Trump himself tweeted on Monday that Schultz lacks guts and is “not the ‘smartest person.’”
Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, was also among those blasting the former Starbucks boss:
Former Trump official named director of Russian firm as sanctions end: The Trump administration on Sunday lifted sanctions against the business empire of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, after Democratic lawmakers were unsuccessful in blocking the move.
After the sanctions were officially lifted, EN+ announced the appointment of seven new directors under the deal, including Christopher Bancroft Burnham, a banker who served on Trump’s State Department transition team and worked in former President George W. Bush’s State Department, a New York Times report noted. EN+ is a holding company that owned much of Russian aluminum giant Rusal 0486, +9.40%  .
Obama adviser Axelrod says Kamala Harris needs to make clear why she’s running: Sen. Kamala Harris formally announced her 2020 presidential run on Sunday, and experts are pointing out she has a messaging challenge.
The California Democrat has positioned herself more as an all-of-the-above candidate, which carries great promise — appealing to segments throughout the Democratic party — but also runs the risk of being too ill-defined, a Washington Post report said.
“I think people would be hard pressed to say at the moment, ‘Here is her message, here is why she’s running,’” David Axelrod, a longtime adviser to former President Barack Obama, told the newspaper. “That’s a challenge she needs to meet.”
Washington should end its obsession with the annual budget deficit, Summers says: “It’s time for Washington to put away its debt obsession and focus on bigger things,” says economist and former Obama adviser Larry Summers in a Foreign Affairs piece written with fellow economist Jason Furman.
“Low interest rates mean that governments can sustain higher levels of debt, since their financing costs are lower,” they say. Summers and Furman add: “Few, if any, fiscal crises have taken place in countries that borrow in their own currencies and print their own money.”
Their piece comes as The Economist magazine points out the deficit had been expected to top $1 trillion by 2020, but that milestone could be hit sooner given this month’s budget data.
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The FBI, COINTELPRO, And Martin Luther King, Jr.: Final Report Of The Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities - Kindle edition by Church Committee. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:06:15 -0500
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The FBI, COINTELPRO, And Martin Luther King, Jr.: Final Report Of The Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities Kindle Edition
1:10 PM 1/28/2019 - Major political events after WW2 and the New Abwehr Operations - Google Search
Mon, 28 Jan 2019 12:24:07 -0500
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