10:16 AM 2/23/2019 - Partisan electoral interventions by the great powers | Electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr | Electoral interventions worldwide by Germany

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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ 
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electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr - Google Search

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electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr - Google Search

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Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from The Intercept

Pox Americana: Vijay Prashad on Venezuela, India, Mexico, Congo ...

The Intercept-Feb 10, 2019
Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world. .... JS: Well, let me ask you: I, of course, agree with your analysis on the U.S. intervention. ... election took place, the U.S. State Department said this is a new day for Egypt.
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Jerusalem Post Israel News

The German officer who saved 13 Jewish 'spies' from the Nazis

Jerusalem Post Israel News-Oct 27, 2016
Abwehr Chief Admiral Wilhelm Canaris encouraged the members of his German military intelligence unit to help save as many Jews as ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from NOLA.com

Coco Chanel was a Nazi spy, new book claims

<a href="http://NOLA.com" rel="nofollow">NOLA.com</a>-Aug 21, 2011
new book by a Paris-based American historian suggests Chanel not only ... von Dincklage, who was a professional Abwehr spy," Vaughan said. ... 5 a worldwide best-seller. ... After the war, Chanel was arrested and released hours later, saved by "the intervention of her old friend Winston Churchill," the ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Daily Mail

Was Coco Chanel a German spy? Newly released archive reveals ...

Daily Mail-Mar 16, 2016
The file also suggests that Chanel was documented an agent by Nazi intelligence organization, the Abwehr, according to researchers.
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Reason (blog)

Are Free Minds and Free Markets Compatible With Christianity?

Reason (blog)-Oct 14, 2017
—David Theroux, founder and president of the Independent Institute in California and publisher of the new book Pope Francis and the Caring ...

'Sleeping with the Enemy: Coco Chanel's Secret War'

New York Times-Sep 2, 2011
For the Pompidou political machine facing an election in just ... Asked by Women's Wear Daily, the New York garment industry ... Chanel was released within a few hours, saved by the intervention ... Slowly, Serre, a painstaking investigator, turned up details of Chanel's Abwehr recruitment, her collaboration ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Consortium News

The Dumbed-Down New York Times

Consortium News-Aug 27, 2016
Exclusive: A New York Times columnist writes Americans are so ... invasion of Syria was just an “intervention”) as compared to how the Times ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from WhoWhatWhy / RealNewsProject (blog)

Dark Shadows: Iran-Contra, Secret Wars & Covert Operations, Part 2

WhoWhatWhy / RealNewsProject (blog)-Jan 25, 2017
Part 4 will survey the era of global insecurity we entered in the second ... an internal investigation and calls for his head, while the new President ..... as a trip-wire to escalations from covert to overt military intervention — all .... Track 1, manipulating elections, shifted to Track 2, economic and political warfare.
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from The Beachwood Reporter

The Beachwood Reporter

The Beachwood Reporter-Feb 1, 2017
Sad to see the cultural icon and cornerstone of Wicker Park gone, yet another victim of abject greed. I've probably played on the stage of the ...

Would Enoch Powell have collaborated with a Pro-Nazi Regime? Don ...

Daily Mail (blog)-Jan 7, 2013
The question arises because of a new thriller by C.J. Sansom, .... For reasons which escape me, Franklin Roosevelt has somehow lost the 1940 Presidential election ... Hitler was baffled by our quixotic intervention in the European war, .... given sabotage training by the Abwehr and put on a U-Boat (U-65, ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Freitag - Das Meinungsmedium

Aggressivität schlägt Vielfalt und Ausgleich

Freitag - Das Meinungsmedium-May 11, 2018
Was führt uns der gegenwärtige US- Präsident vor Augen? Gradlinige, einseitige, einfache, leicht verständliche und entschiedene, zudem brutale Positionen, ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Care2.com

Haj Amin Al-Husseini ~ Palestine Jihad Founder, Nazi Collaborator ...

<a href="http://Care2.com" rel="nofollow">Care2.com</a>-Oct 24, 2015
In fact, it is a new religion, a true German religion which replaces Christianity .... Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, chief of the German Abwehr (military intelligence) ... The British military intervention force left Basra and marched north to ..... blood inthe world, and in his Section Eichmann trains minions of the Mufti, ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from AgoraVox

Emmanuel Macron, plébiscité mais fragile

Le Figaro-May 8, 2017
17 millions de Français ont choisi de voter blanc ou nul (4 millions) ou de ...... évitées grâce aux tractations permanentes de Vichy avec l'Abwehr pendant que ...... Pour preuve l'odieuse intervention du New-York Times qui félicite les ..... se les poser comme celle plus global de la stratégie d'ensemble qui a ...

Bloc-notes : Macron, l'enfant gâté d'une France malade

Le Figaro-Apr 27, 2017
Ses bonnes fées sentent la naphtaline. À son tour, François Hollande a appelé, lundi, à voter pour Emmanuel Macron, vainqueur du premier ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Stützen der Gesellschaft

FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-Sep 6, 2017
Es wird am Wahlabend, wenn nichts Gravierendes dazwischen kommt, natürlich viel Entsetzen über das Abschneiden der AfD geben, und ich ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Fake News und Penetranz als Medienstrategie

FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-Nov 26, 2016
Dann ist er zur New York Times gefahren und hat dort einiges gesagt, was die Times einen Tag in den Mittelpunkt des globalen Interesses ...
Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Terrorverharmlosung mit der Fischgrätenlüge

FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-Mar 29, 2016
Constantin Seibt wird bei dem Schweizer Tagesanzeiger als “Reporter Recherche“ geführt. In der Folge der Anschläge von Brüssel schrieb er ...
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Die doppelte Schuld der USA

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Story image for electoral interventions worldwide by New Abwehr from Tages-Anzeiger Online

Warten bis es knallt?

Tages-Anzeiger Online-Dec 23, 2010
Am 13. Februar 2011 stimmt das Schweizer Volk über die Initiative «Für den Schutz vor Waffengewalt» ab. Die Inititaive fordert unter anderem, ...

Barack Obama et le syndrome Carter

Le Figaro-May 21, 2009
... comme le prouve l'arrestation mercredi d'un groupuscule soupçonné de préparer des attentats à New York et contre des bases militaires.
electoral interventions worldwide by Germany - Google Search

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electoral interventions worldwide by Germany - Google Search

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Sphinx Regent Kid Jared Kushner - Google Search

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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠
The Diagnostic Triad of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr Operations Worldwide And In "Trump - Russia Affair" | Abwehr Austrophobia

The Diagnostic Triad of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr Operations Worldwide And In "Trump - Russia Affair"

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.
The Diagnostic Triad of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr OperationsWorldwide And In "Trump - Russia Affair"

The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov – Google Search

German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris – The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov – Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations.

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The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr: A Study In Psychohistory by Michael Novakhov – Google Search

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>> Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Review In Brief 
» German Intelligence Chief Wilhelm Franz Canaris
24/01/19 06:17 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Warfare History Network. Adolf Hitler’s spymaster, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, was actually a dedicated anti-Nazi who did everything he could to frustrate the Führer’s plans. by David…
» Canaris and Heydrich – Axis History Forum
24/01/19 06:16 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Canaris and Heydrich #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 21:37 GFM2001 Member Posts: 55 (8/20/01 12:32:55 pm) Reply Canaris and Heydrich ————————————————————…
» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:53 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:50 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:48 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:47 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:46 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:45 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair – Google Search
24/01/19 05:45 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
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» Service record of Reinhard Heydrich
24/01/19 05:43 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . SS- service record cover of Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei Reinhard Heydrich The service record of Reinhard Heydrich was a collection of official SS documents maintained at the SS Pers…
» RUSSIA and THE WEST – РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД: – Командир, ручка от жопы отваливается! | – Ништяк, а мы её стразами укрепим! – 6:10 AM 1/7/2019
24/01/19 05:26 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from RUSSIA and THE WEST – РОССИЯ и ЗАПАД. Monday, January 7, 2019 – Командир, ручка от жоп…
» 1:55 PM 9/5/2018 – Canaris’ love affair with Reinhard Heydrich, both of whom were at least in part Jewish and Gay… | The Global Security News
24/01/19 05:12 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Global Security News. Upon the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany, gay men and, to a lesser extent, lesbians, were two of the numerous groups targeted by the Nazis and were ulti…
» Heydrich’s homosexuality? – Axis History Forum
24/01/19 04:52 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Heydrich’s homosexuality? #1 Post by Ezboard » 29 Sep 2002, 19:03 HannahR New Member Posts: 1 (5/26/01 5:43:01 pm) Reply Heydrich’s homosexuality? ————————————————…
» Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair as the source and the engine of German Fascism of 1930-1940-s – Psychohistorical Hypothesis by Michael Novakhov
24/01/19 04:15 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Trump Investigations. Canaris – Heydrich Gay Love Affair as the source and the engine of the German Fascism of 1930-1940-s  Psychohistorical Hypothesis by Michael Novakhov 9:19 AM 9/21/20…
» 9:19 AM 9/21/2018 – (Abwehr? Drag?) Queens (Are?) Flushing (With Rage? Shame? Anger? Angst? All of the above? None of the above?) | The Global Security News
24/01/19 03:56 from Mike Nova’s Shared Newslinks
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Global Security News. Mike Nova’s Shared NewsLinks Drag Bang Drag, Gala de Eleccion Drag Queen 2015 LPGC – YouTube   mikenova  shared this story  . Drag Bang Drag, Ga…

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The Operation Trump and The New Abwehr

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Michael Novakhov on the New Abwehr hypothesis of Operation Trump - Google Search

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Hapsburg Group - Google Search

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from "Hapsburg Group" - Google News.

M.N.: This is a very important story. It confirms my impressions, formed earlier, that the Orthodox Judaism in general, and its various offshoots , such as "Chabad Lubavitch" and other "Hasidic movements", just like the State of Israel itself (God bless it), are nothing less and nothing more than the creations of the Abwehr and the New Abwehr (after WW2), which themselves were and are predominantly half or part Jewish, especially in their "top heavy" leadership circles, including Canaris himself and most of his commanding officers, as exemplified by this particular one described in this article

It was a historically formed and a historically determined circumstance: the ethnically German junkers looked down upon the Intelligence work which, as they felt, was not compatible with their ideal of the "honest military service", and they gladly or by necessity gave this area to the Jews and part Jews to manage. Another half of this formula might have been in the objective military observations that the smart, creative, ambitious, and quite German-wise patriotic Jews were simply much better and more efficient in this area, and they accepted and practiced this observation as the rule of their science and arts of wars and espionage. 

For the half and part Jewish Abwehr officers this "half and half" became their ideal and their elaborate "philosophy": the fusion of the Germanic and the Hebrew Spirits and their best embodiment and representations (in the high Abwehr officers, of course). 

It also included the criteria for the personnel selection; most of the Abwehr high officers do LOOK half or part Jewish

This point is very important for the understanding of the Abwehr's and the New Abwehr's psychology, outlook, and the nature, the character, and the distinguishing, the "diagnostic" features of their operations

The New Abwehr apparently, influences and manipulates the Orthodox Judaic movements, especially their pet project, the "Chabad Lubavitch" and other "Hasidic movements" quite heavily and almost absolutely invisibly, masking and advertising their "Putin connection" as the quite efficient, convenient, and convincing cover. 

These issues need the sophisticated and in-depth research. 

With regard to Trump Investigations, this assumption, or the working hypothesis, as described above, has the direct bearing and is a factor in understanding the Sphinx The Regent Jared Kushner, his family, their origins, and the origins of their wealth

The so called "Bielski Partisans" absolutely could not exist, function, and survive (quite nicely, with the trainloads of the robbed Nazi Gold and jewelry, which they later invested in the US real estate and other successful business ventures-rackets) without the overt or tacit approval and consent from the Abwehr which controlled everything on the occupied territories

The Kushner Crime Family was the tool: kapos and the enforcers for the Abwehr. They became their money launderes and money managers after the WW2, when Abwehr moved them to the US

The Trump Crime Family was the long term Abwehr assets, starting from Frederich Trump, Donald's grandfather, who run the bordellos for them, and including Fred Trump, Donald's father who built the "economy" housing for the newly arrived Abwehr agents, mixed into the mass of the legitimate refugees, and who also became the money launderer and the money manager for the Abwehr and the New Abwehr

Recently they (the New Abwehr planners) decided to merge these two families into a singleTrump-Kushner Crime Family, in what was clearly the arranged marriage between Jared and Ivanka, in preparation and as the first step towards Operation Trump
It was helped, as the apparent second step in this arrangement, by Wendi Deng the "Chinese spy", as alleged and circulated by Rupert Murdoch, her husband at the time. Both of them, just as, hypothetically, the FOX News Corporation were (and are?) heavily influenced by the New Abwehr. For Murdoch this proclivity apparently also runs in a family.  This is the apparent pattern of this prudent way of family recruitment; universally, and for the Abwehr in particular. 

This aspect is also important for the understanding of the role that Felix Sater and his "Chabad" sect played in the "Trump - Russia Affair". 

This thesis about the connection between the Orthodox Judaism and Abwehr is also consistent with the "Abwehr Diagnostic Triad" which was formulated by me earlier, as consisting of: 

  1) Judeophobia (as the psychological product of these described above circumstances: the Abwehr half Jews were the GOOD (half) JEWS, all the rest were "very bad, sick, and contaminating" Jews), 

2) Homophobia (the so called "Internalized Homophobia", stemming from the personal aspects of the Abwehr leadership and reflecting the general, very permissive attitude towards homosexuality among the German military circles before and especially in the aftermath of the WW1), and 

3) the specific Austrophobia or the so called Anti-Austrian sentiment (distrust and hate of all things Austrian), which stems from the Austro - Prussian War of 1866 and from the Austria–Prussia rivalry.

In the "Trump Affair", the Austrophobia aspect is expressed by the New Abwehr planners in the concept of the "decadent and dishonest, not to be trusted", part Jewish, Hapsburg Group, and this circumstance can be viewed as the particularly "telling", or highly suggestive and indicative, "pathognomonic", of the Abwehr operations. 

Michael Novakhov


Sphinx Regent Kid Jared Kushner - Google Search

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