8:41 AM 3/30/2019 - The Trumps and their very successful Family Business: The Poodle Dog Saloon | The Manifesto Of The American Socialism of March 27, 2019
The Trumps and their very successful family business: the Poodle Dog saloon
The Trumps and their very successful family business: the "Poodle Dog Saloon"
But with the twist:
Extra! Extra! The true owner of the "Trump's Famous Poodle Dog Saloon" is finally discovered!
It is not Putin, he is just a cover.
It is Gerhard Schroeder, Trump's distant, many times removed but still kicking nicely, Saxon cousin, the bulging Welt-Kaizer cum SPD Grandfather cum The New Abwehr - The same old Mob Godfather-Demiurge cum the New Korean Savior-Husband. So many hats, such a big piggish German head! And the really great, enlarged and hypotrophic pseudo-Socialist, as petty and as petit bourgeois as it gets, overflowing with the German generosity, HEART!
And now he is the real and the proud owner of the "Poodle Dog saloon". Our big, cute, lovely, orange Poodle Dog sits on Schroeder's lap, not Putin's. Vlad is just Gerhard's favorite home boy and the front sidekick.
And now the next generation of Trumps, Ivanka and Donald Jr., are vying for the leadership in their crime Poodle family, namely, for their birth given right to sit firmly on someone's lap, and to enjoy the morsels under their new owner's table. They, the Trump Poodles Crime Family, are bought and owned by the German, half-Nazi and the half-"Socialist" New Abwehr. And now the time came, for the owners, to sell them. And to sell them out.
Und ziz iz my opinio'n.
Michael Novakhov
8:28 AM 3/30/2019
See Also the previous post:
Donald Trump is doing Gerhard Schroeder's bidding: The Reunification of Koreas - 11:20 AM 3/23/2019
Donald Trump is doing Gerhard Schroeder's bidding: The Reunification of Koreas. How much did they pay you, Gerhard? Your new Korean wife is just a fringe benefit and the communication channel. You and your bosses from the New Abwehr must have been paid quite nicely by all those high-tech companies interested in acquiring the cheap North Korean real estate or mostly the land, ah, weren't you, little petite bourgeois Social Democratic German grandiose hypocrite?
Trump is the lackey of the German Social Democracy (Nationalistic, cheap, calculating), which serves as the front for the New Abwehr. The pragmatic and most evident roots of this dependency are in the Trump's huge, up to $10B probably, indebtedness to the German and Russian Banks and the imminent threat of the new and final, total bankruptcy or death by the Mafia bullet.
In this sense Trump is a direct follow-up to Obama Presidency. Obama was the almost open and quite willing agent and the obedient lackey of the German Social Democracy; Trump is their masked but no less obedient and willing lackey.
It looks like the New Abwehr saw their (Yes, their!) Operation 9/11 as the watershed event marking and celebrating their claimed dominance and the manipulations of the US and the World affairs. It was followed by the Operation Obama and the Operation Trump.
M.N. - 11:20 AM 3/23/2019
trump korea sanctions
Trump Overrules Own Experts on Sanctions, in Favor to North Korea
_________________________________________________Trump is the lackey of the German Social Democracy (Nationalistic, cheap, calculating), which serves as the front for the New Abwehr. The pragmatic and most evident roots of this dependency are in the Trump's huge, up to $10B probably, indebtedness to the German and Russian Banks and the imminent threat of the new and final, total bankruptcy or death by the Mafia bullet.
In this sense Trump is a direct follow-up to Obama Presidency. Obama was the almost open and quite willing agent and the obedient lackey of the German Social Democracy; Trump is their masked but no less obedient and willing lackey.
It looks like the New Abwehr saw their (Yes, their!) Operation 9/11 as the watershed event marking and celebrating their claimed dominance and the manipulations of the US and the World affairs. It was followed by the Operation Obama and the Operation Trump.
M.N. - 11:20 AM 3/23/2019
trump korea sanctions
Trump Overrules Own Experts on Sanctions, in Favor to North Korea

The Manifesto Of The American Socialism - Transcript: Here's Bernie Sanders' full commencement speech at Brooklyn College, as transcribed, adapted, and interpreted by Michael Novakhov - 1:51 PM 3/27/2019
Transcript: Here's Bernie Sanders' full commencement speech at Brooklyn College, as transcribed, adapted, and interpreted by Michael Novakhov
1:51 PM 3/27/2019
Not so fast, Vlad! Go wire your baby Donald $100 Mils in your illegal campaign contributions under the guise of loans. What can be a greater achievement for the Russian Mafia Boss-Godfather than to brag that he "put his boy in the White House"!
Go kiss Vlad's ass, Donald. It looks that he is the holder of your debt notes. Oh, he already did that? Well, he will do it again, dont' you worry about it! Bernie Sanders does not kiss anybody's ass, never did, never will; not like some bankrupt capitalist pigs. They are bankrupt financially, politically, and spiritually!
We have to eradicate the Global Organised Crime in all its reincarnations and under all the covers that we can find. The Mob is the ugly, evil, vicious, shrewd, treacherous, primitive, predatory, ever hungry Beast which went for the Jugular of Humanity.
"His nature squalid is, malicious, greedy;
He never sated gets,
Just hungrier"...
At the same time we have to understand and treat correctly our own problems, pains, and ills. The degree of inequality in today's America is staggering, and it is proportional only with our perpetual tendencies for the serial denials and self-congratulations. We want to live happily, before-and-thereafter but it does not work out this way. Our lives and existences are more of the dramatic struggles of the 95% Have Nots, and the many and the various problems of those under illusions that they "have".
The America's economic, political, emotional, and cultural lives will not be controlled by a handful of very wealthy families!
Our lives are too rich for that, and our country is too rich, too complex, and too multi-faceted for any despotic controls, be it the Government, the FBI, the Media, the Big Business, or the Big Money.
There is the great inequality in America today: one person out of thousands owns as much wealth as the rest. The difference between the CEO and the average worker pay is 350 folds. This beloved Society of ours is divided into the virtual slaves and the virtual slave owners. 43 million Americans live in poverty, this is the shame for the "Land of Plenty". Many people feel that they have nothing to live for, the rates of suicide, addictions, crimes, and imprisonment are very high for this rich and enlightened Society of ours which we like to think of as the "Land of the Free".
The political system in America is just as corrupt as its economic system, and this corruption threatens our Democracy where many people now feel that their President is not really their President but might be the agent of the foreign power. Our Democratic system became the hostage to the Big and Manipulative Money in Politics. No one, neither the local, domestic Money Bags nor the foreign ones should be under any illusions that they would be able to buy or to blackmail the American politicians, as many people feel it is happening now. We do need to reform our laws and regulations of the money in politics and the role they play. This is no less of the shame! Our political wills cannot be bought or sold or we seize to be the free humans capable of making and expressing our free and intelligent choices.
We need good and well functioning Health Care System and we proposed Medicare for all. This is the way to go. Health is not a commodity that is bought and sold. It is God's gift that is guarded and maintained by men. It is one of the inalienable rights. There are no reasons why the US cannot have the well functioning health care system like many advanced countries do.
Tax the rich and feed and provide for the poor, and this is only fair. The modern Society has to be paternalistic to a certain degree, not the deadly capitalist Jungle.
We also have to restore the America's standing in the World, and this thesis is not at contradiction with the Socialist ideas: what is good for America is good for the World and vice versa.
We do not need the bankrupt Muggers screaming "MAGA!" America was great before you, and America will be great after you, or more precisely, without you.
Make America free again, make America fair and equal again, make America healthy again, make America the dream again, and the Great it is and will be always. Amen.
And this is the 100% correct plan for all 100% of the American people.
Bernie Sanders for President!
America, vote for the yours and the World's future!
Previous Posts
(International Organized Crime, Red Mafia, Russian-Jewish-Israeli Mafia, etc., etc., use any other name you wish,"What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet;")
VS. The Western Civilization
(As we know it, including Europe, the U.S., Russia, and Israel, etc., etc.)
The most important historical and the Counterintelligence point is that it is specifically the New Abwehr, the survived and the well hidden, very secret and secretive organisation, the direct descendant of the German Military Intelligence after WW2, which is behind the Mob, and this point must be investigated relentlessly and very thoroughly by all the mentioned above modern powers.
Mr. Trump, Mr. Putin, Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Schroeder:
If you are not able to make all the necessary adjustments, and if you are not able to ally yourselves with the new, emerging anti-Mob movement and fight, you will be wiped out by this historical political hurricane personally and politically, with the very tragic consequences for yourselves and your supporting political groups. This is your choice, and this is your last choice. You have been warned.
The World needs to move forward from its post-WW2 stage to the qualitatively new set-ups and arrangements, including very much the Global Security arrangements, military alliances, social and economic Justice issues, transculturalism and multiculturalism within the Dominant Western Culture, and many others.
We do have to move forward. I came to the conclusion that the most vital force in fighting this mortal and invisible enemy is the Democratic Party of the U.S., and specifically Bernie Sanders.
Call them whatever name you wish, "What's in a name?" I think that the new coming era is the era of the AMERICAN SOCIALISM, which is and will be very different from the old, rotten, wounded, dying European Socialism, and, specifically, very different from the modern German Social Democracy which was appropriated, molested, and snuffed out to half-death by the New Abwehr.
The issue of the competition between the American and the European Socialism models is not talked about much but it is very important issue, and it might become the pivot point.
The Americans do not want to rule the world, they have plenty of issues at home. The New Abwehr wants nothing but to rule the world, this is their old, imperialist, power and the military power - centric concept and picture of the World and its affairs. The New Abwehr is anti-intellectual and anti-culture; they are the very well positioned group of the criminal predators, the "merchants of death, of oppression, of divisions and discords" and the money launderers under the guises of the political and military leaders.
Call them whatever name you wish, "What's in a name?" I think that the new coming era is the era of the AMERICAN SOCIALISM, which is and will be very different from the old, rotten, wounded, dying European Socialism, and, specifically, very different from the modern German Social Democracy which was appropriated, molested, and snuffed out to half-death by the New Abwehr.
The issue of the competition between the American and the European Socialism models is not talked about much but it is very important issue, and it might become the pivot point.
The Americans do not want to rule the world, they have plenty of issues at home. The New Abwehr wants nothing but to rule the world, this is their old, imperialist, power and the military power - centric concept and picture of the World and its affairs. The New Abwehr is anti-intellectual and anti-culture; they are the very well positioned group of the criminal predators, the "merchants of death, of oppression, of divisions and discords" and the money launderers under the guises of the political and military leaders.
Barak Obama, you are very smart cookie. Acknowledge your past errors (and you did make a lot of them), think about this concept in its depth, and help in this new fight and the political movement. Personally, I think I am going to support Sanders all the way. I do not see any other hope.
Returning to the subject of the Mob and money laundering, we have to consider the long neglected issue of the "Soviet Communist Party Gold" which apparently was handled and laundered by the Mob. This issue has to be investigated very thoroughly.
In general, I think, the War on the Mob will be effective if it is conducted on the global, international basis, and with the active participation of the UN.
Russia declares the War on the Mob: Russia hits mob bosses with longer jail terms - TASS | Craig Unger: Trump is owned by the Russia mob - YT
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